Sunday, March 27

PMS-ing Period.


I made this blog just for myself and I'm not saying you can't read my blog.

Question in your head might sounds like this,
"The hell with having a blog only for yourself yet you make 'em visible?"


It's my blog, I have the password, I can set whatever I want, to publish or to not publish, to put it as a draft, to annoys people w my writings. To be angry and publish it, to be sad and still publish it, to be happy but just keep it. To hell with that, you may now suck a dick.

Anyone feels offended w my words? Well, I have a right not to apologize. I'm not being offensive towards you, this is the way I'm telling my storyline, if you still feel likewise, you may now click the x button in the top right corner. Happy?

This is my space, my only restriction area, it's like my diary, you're lucky enough to read sort of confidential stuffs of mine. Why bother for what I'm saying when all you can do is not to care. :)

OK, this post is about me having PMS and it has nothing to do w stalker thingy, IDGAF at all, I don't think people should cry on any posts I've made. Period.

P/S : Why bother crying while you can smile for the rest of your life. :) say butterrrrrrrrr!