Wednesday, March 31

When Your Heart Starts To Speak

There's always a time when I feel like dying, when silence comes and eventually I decided to set my own goal of another thoughts. I hate silence, the silence of an empty heart, the time you could hear everything around you but all you could feel is nothing, it's empty, it is full of loneliness.

Sometime silence can be better when you really needs it. This time I am not. I need a company.

P/S : @emahashim, @kokeen, I do enjoyed my day last night.

Sunday, March 28

You Know That I Can't Always Be The Person You Like

Blah Blah Blah

What do you expect me to do? I don't feel like talking with you at the moment or maybe not talking with you anymore.? IDK. Your words hurts me so much. Thank you. :)

Last night you said the same old thing you've said before.

"I'll talk to you nicely after this"

Know what, I've had enough with these. I am tired. I have to handle the situation all by myself, feeling angry, pressure, try to hold on from bursting out, and finally I've managed myself w tears. WTH. With your only words. .?That's more than enough! And FYI, this is not the first time.

I don't think it's necessary for us to having a conversation right now. I don't know but there must be something wrong with our relationship. Pftt. And I can't always be here & there as you wanted to. I'm sorry. I'm just a human being and I have my own life and you can't easily gone mad as if I can't fulfill your needs. Come on.

Am I bragging to much? OK nvm.

P/S : It's nice knowing you. Bye.

Wednesday, March 24

Week 13

Few things happened today :

1. I missed my Islamic Studies Classes for few weeks and I skipped English Class so many times. So I make one resolution to go to these classes yesterday and set an alarm few hours before go to sleep. Alarm rings, and I'm still sleeping. -.- So a day without any classes and I feel guilty. Demmit.

2. It's been awhile I watched TV during happy hour. It's fun. XD

3. Tune in my guitar with Zombie by The Cranberries. First attempt. Not good enough.

4. It's sadden me when reading Keen's blog. :( Chin up Keen honey. *HUGS* You'll get even better without him.

5. I am missing Ema Hashim & Mohd Aimen, I wish I can go lepak with you guys every single day! :(

6. Well, I just had new hair cut, new-lady-gaga-look-alike-fringe, and I do look like a 16 year old kiddo. WTF. I hate my fringe. I hetyu! And it burned my RM35 instantly. -.-

7. I accidentally bit my inside cheek while eating, and my eating mode is totally off. FCUK. I was fuckin mad because I was damn hungry. It's more than 24 hours since I last ate.

8. I really want to write about what I really feel, posting my pictures, our pictures and events. But seems my card reader won't work as its supposed to work. Haihh, I don't wanna wasting my money on something that is so not important right now.

9. Calling ibu & ayah after ibu shared her credits with me. I miss 'em both so much. Somehow I feel like crying while talking on the phone w 'em. Be strong Fida. T_T

10. I've gotta do my work now. Designing is easy but only if you had awesome brain, and I don't.

P/S : I have a very boring life, you can tell.

Saturday, March 20

Hello World.

Jom, mulakan sesuatu yang baru dan sekarang ni agak lancau bagi aku. :)

Aku gembira sebab aku kenyang.

P/S : Rokok ini sungguh enak.

Wednesday, March 17

When You Know You Could Make Things Right

I need my happy life back.

Let's have fun!

Fida Yasin

P/S : i miss you.

Friday, March 12

Confession of a Dangerous Mind

11 Things I Hate About You.

  1. You're a liar.
  2. You want me to be someone who doesn't exist.
  3. You annoy me with your stupid jokes most of the time and they aren't funny at all.
  4. You don't know the reason why are you staying with me.
  5. You rather stick hundreds year with your PS3 than having a small conversation with me.
  6. You never told me that you love me spontaneously unless you've been asked.
  7. You always bring something unnecessary. Something is none of your concern.
  8. You get upset easily with some whatever reasons. -.-
  9. You don't know what our relationship means.
  10. *You have a lovely girlfriend and cheated on her and you called it as a different thing. -.-''
  11. You messed my fucking life.

P/S : :)

*cakap xsuka aku tipu dia. tapi yg kes ni cmne? apa kes? ha? ha?

Tak Payah Nak Lebih Sangat Ah.

Woi Manusia!

Benda kecik pun nak marah, lek ah. Tah apa-apa. Dari dulu sampai sekarang tak lepas dari terkandas dgn manusia-manusia yang kerja nak marah je. Igt KAUORANG DAH BAGUS SGT BUAT MUKA TAIK DEPAN AKU hah?

Semua aku da buat. Sikit pun tak reti nak hargai. Macam kuli batak. Bila aku diam, tanak buat. Kau protes. Lancau ah. Macam kau bagus sgt. Aku ni sikit hari je nak explode. Tunggu je ah.

Kau igt kau sorg je leh marah? Tahi la kau. Geram plak aku. Bodoh.

P/S : Kau sabar sikit. Tak lama lagi jek. Sabar eh.

Thursday, March 11

Aku Si Pemalas

Aku rasa aku manusia paling cool sekarang. Melepek kat atas tilam, buat esaimen sambil muti-tasking buat keja lain, e.g menonton anime fav aku yang aku rasa sangat kool utk aku tonton dan pada masa yang sama aku baca jugak manga dia, makan, minum, tidur, kadang-kadang tak pi kelas sbb rasa duduk rumah ni cukup bahagia. Padahal reason sume ni, aku sebenarnye seorang PEMALAS, xde cita-cita.

TERUK! ya itulah reality nye. Kalau keluar bukan nak cari ilmu, cuci mata pegi shopping, isap rokok tepi2 jalan atau kedai mamak. Tak senonoh. Macik-macik tengok pun rasa mcm "sheeshh, teruk betul. Reject jadi menantu. Tak layak!" ahhhh podah. Macam anak awak tu hensem sgt! *protes*

Tapi aku nak gak rasa kawin apa. Boyfriend pun xde. Lelaki dah tanak dah kat aku ni gamaknye. Takpelah. Orang tua cakap, xde rezeki. Cube lagi lain hari.

Sebenarnye aku da tatau nak ckp apa. Aku type je la apa yg rasa cambest en. >.<


Padahal tak best pun. Lancau ah. Bye.

P/S : Aku nak rasa balik jadi Fida yang dulu. :)

Sunday, March 7

I Have No Talent

I suck at playing guitar last night. It was awfully terrible. I can't sing. My voice won't come out as I wanted to. I suck at performing infront of many people. I swear I won't do this anymore. Now my self-esteem is at -100.

Forgive me, this is my first and last performance. Yikes.

P/S : Tak tahan beb, gua nak mati atas stage. Kaki gua gigil.

Thursday, March 4

Peradaban & Tamadun Manusia 2010

*Go Eat Shit*

Aku bukan nak cakap aku manusia terbaik. Tapi aku kadang-kadang faham keadaan sekeliling. Ada orang tua, kau hormat lah. Walaupun kadang-kadang tu aku selalu terkasar dengan ibu ayah.

Kau dah besar, kalau kau xrespect orang sekeliling kau, camne org nak respect kau? Kau expect bile belajar tinggi2, bagus2, org pandang bagus kat kau? Bg aku tak kot.

Kalau perangai cam haram, lagi2 depan org tua, yang lagi bagusnye bukan orang tua kau, aku rasa kau lah manusia terbaik abad ni.

Adab mana beb? Kau rempit ke? Tak guna sekolah tinggi, tamadun kau berterabur.

P/S : Aku tak bagus sgt pun, tapi selalunya aku ade perasaan bersalah.

Wednesday, March 3

Funfair Ended Up Unfair

*Sekadar gambar hiasan

Arini uols, ai nak cite pasal ai pegi funfair dengan kawan ai. Kawan ai ni comel je org dia, wlp tadi tetibe dia takde gigi, sebab nak pakai braces. AHAH. Maaf ye kepada yang terasa. Ai gurau manje je.

Ai pergi funfair tanpa makan apa-apa. *pembohongan* ai ade makan pappa roti. Kawan ai belanja.

We ols sampai funfair, we ols naiks COASTER.*xde roller, dia tulis situ coaster je* Best dohhh! Try la, gua jamin u ols nak naik sampai muntah. Kemudian we ols naik space jadah tah, boleh la, tapi we ols berdua je yg naik. Xramai org. Biasalah bukan musim cuti. Ai budak kolej, kawan i ponteng keja. HAHAHAHA.

Sampai game ke tiga, we ols naiks tristar, mcm best la konon, ai naik pusing kepala ai nyah, sampai i muntah angin, nasib pappa roti yg ai sental td xterkeluar. Kalau tak abis la prestasi ai jatuh kt situ nyah, pacik rela tukang jaga kawasan yg gatal ketiak asik nk ngurat tu pun xjadi nak ngurat. Awwww, xkuasa ai nak sangap ng dia. -_-''

Game ke empat, we ols naik crazy wave. Ape jadah tak crazy pun! Penipu! Turun dari menda alah tu, ai dgn kawan ai terus diam, masing-masing nak muntah gara-gara penangan tristar tadi. Bangsat. Menghilangkan mood ai je. Tak nyah lansung ok.

We ols pun balik, lepak makan kejap.


P/S :
1. Tak sempat ai nak be-womentik ng kawan ai tu naiks ferris wheel & meri go round. SLT.
2. Apesal xde TOP GUN!? GUA MARAH SIAL.!

Tuesday, March 2

You Can Tell, You Can Predict Me Very Well

Ape tah da masuk dalam pale otak lu. Gua tatau. Gua da rempit gile ckp cmni en. Lu lek je bai. Lu nak kutuk gua, gua tak kesah. Tapi gua ade limit. Lu sendiri pun ade limit. Gua kalau da rasa mcm nak hentak org, gua ckp cmni. Gua ckp mcm gua gengster sgt en, tapi pe lantak gua a. Lu leh ckp ape lu suka, gua xleh?

Gua bukan tanak layan lu, gua ade masa lah nak layan sapa gua suka. Lu tayah nak cite bestfriend gua dgn condition lu. Lu boleh pikir sendiri en. Gua punya marah bila baca lu punye ayat. Sedap hati lu je en nak ckp cmtu. Panas gua bai. Gua xpernah kutuk lu, lu pahal nk kutuk gua sesuka ati lak? Sebab lu tau gua xkesah, sejahanam mana gua punye tak kesah, gua kesah gak nnt, lagi-lagi plak lu nak samakan lu ng bestfriend gua. Memang tak dapat aaa jep.

Gua nak sombong lu kesah plak, lu nak kutuk gua. Lu ade pk ke? Lu bajet lu da kutuk-kutuk gua gune ayat maut lu, gua suka nak layan lu? Gua panas hati ah ni beb. Lu mmg baik gua tak nafikan, tapi lu baik sikit ayat eh. Gua xsuka lu lebih-lebih camni cam gua bunuh kesayangan lu je. Tahi ah.

Lu kalau baca ni apa lu pikir? Apa lu rasa? Offended? Lantak ah. Lu nak terasa tu lu punya pasal. Lu bab jaga hati org mmg takde. Lu nak kutuk lu cakap depan gua, letak nama gua skali. Tak payah lu nak bagi org terasa-terasa sgt la bai. Apa lu igt lu sorg leh kutuk. Lu memang sengaja bagi pecah gua punye ego daripada nak mengata org kan? Tebaik ah lu. Esok-esok gua jumpe lu gua bg lu award. TERBAIK SIA!

Ok gua rasa arini, gua nak cite pasal lu je. Hari kedua bulan Mac ni, gua nak ucapkan tahniah la kt lu sbb boleh bg gua rasa nak mrah & kutuk lu. Gua xmention nama lu sebab lu pun xde nak mention nama gua en. So lu nak kesah apa kalau gua nk mention ke tak nama lu. Nama lu mmg tak layak gua letak dalam blog ni. Gua cume leh cite perlakuan lu je.

Dah, I've had enough for today. Lu skrg leh pegi merempit kat Jalan Ampang sana. Lu tayah nk kecoh sgt. Gua xleh blah. Gua nak tido. Gua nak happy-happy time holiday ni pun tak senang. Lu nk stress apa sume, lu simpan dlm diri lu, lu tayah nak kecoh satu dunia yg lu bengang ng gua tiap-tiap hari.

P/S : Gua amik sehari je nak meluahkan pasal lu. Pasni gua malas dah nk bukak cite pasal lu lagi. Gua bukan macam lu asik nak PANAS je. Ni gua ade solution untuk org stress & emo kubur mcm lu.

Monday, March 1

Hello Mr.Laziness, How Are Youhhhh?

So much happened these past few weeks. I haven't write due to my healthy condition, due to my critical disease also known as my bestfriend Mr.lazi-ness and e cetera. The latest I know is, I got a chance to perform at this event in UKM this coming Saturday. Man, it's a heart attack. I'm wobbling and excited at the same time. Ok, lets not talk about it. It scares the shit outta me. XD

I don't know what happened to me these days, but I feel happy at this current moment. Few days back, I was in coma as in I was really in a very deep depression mode, which I won't talk with everyone, yes I do talk w few friends *those I comfort with* but not really a conversation just like we had normally. *yeah not really in coma.haha.*

I talk to much, I hate it when I get to talk here with lots of stories that I've compiled for 2 weeks and I sort of get to burst all of 'em on one entry. That ridiculous. People won't read. If it was me reading this, I won't bother to read either. I'll skip to another next interesting page. Boo-yah.

Ok, I found out this is a total crapp. Lets sleep. So I'll come out n wake up w fresh ideas. Oyasumi. :)

P/S : Next will be good. *Hoping*