Friday, December 3

We Don't Need To Pretend,


Why you've changed? I have no idea. Maybe it is time for us to choose our own path, and maybe you've had enough of these friendship things? It's okay, as long as you liked it, I hope you have a wonderful journey out there. :)

P/S : Thanks for the memories.


  1. Cheer up love. Sometimes in life, transition happens. Any kind of changes. We can't go against the tide of God. I myself, am afraid of changes, be it towards myself or others around me. I loathe changes. Maybe your friend is going through something...anything.

    For what it's worth, the person who's typing this comment loves you to death and will always consider you as special. So, chuck that negative thoughts of yours and be merry.

    p/s: I used to have a fear..fear of losing you and watching you change and this happened 3 years ago. So please, the next time you see me, JUST BE YOURSELF coz that's what i love about you.


  2. and why I have a friend named anonymous?

  3. Mana laa aku reti guna blogspot ni. Main click je. URL pun aku takde, so Anonymous je la pilihan yang ada. Jangan mare... :-)

  4. kalau xde blog skalipun, xleh ckp kau sapa kat komen box ni? kau xde nama ke? ;)
