Monday, February 15

I'mma Tool, I'mma Fool

Please can anyone out there get this stress out of me? Few days back, I was in this exciting mode, which everyone can't explain why.The main reason is, it's me, the one who feels it. So don't bother.

A friend of mine, asked me a week before CNY, and said something like this,

"This coming chinese new year, please get yourself at home (Kluang), I'll be there, I missed to hang out w you",

Oh, Isn't that sweet, is it? I'm eager. A friend like me is eager if knowing this, meeting friends, lagi-lagi yang rapat & baik punya!

So, here I am, Chinese New Year, stuck at home, eating satay, online, and watching weekend dramas. I texted & called everyone I know, I love, but they all gone like my numbers are set as unknown stranger. I cried for some stupid shits, I know I shouldn't. But oh come on, where are all those pledges gone? A friend stands as a liar? I can't accept it la bai. Aku tanya jawab lah. Jangan kecoh bodoh ckp nak jumpe, last2 p jumpe boyfriend, ah kau mmg terbaik, bile ade masalah je cari aku. Terima kasih. Apa? aku emosi, silakan berkata begitu. Aku emosi sbb bukan susah pun kau nak bg excuse or reply my text. FML. I won't be this emotional if you at least reply my msg. Geram ai.

So, I called someone (who finally answered my phone calls) to reduce my emotional distress. But all I've got the same old answer. FML once again. I deserved it. I know. So please people, FML so hard.

Ini aku nak mencarut menggunakan point :

: Tiap kali ade boyfriend, org lupe kawan.
: Bila ade masalah baru nak cari kawan.
: Bila bahagia kejap, cari la gak, tapi kejap je pastu lupa daratan.
: Lepastu cakap busy sebab ade keja pantat ape tah, tp jumpe boifren beratus batu, beribu kilometer sanggup.
: Aku tak jeles pun org ade bf ni, aku sakit hati sebab sume lupe diri.
: Kalau agak-agak lepas ni da xde boyfriend, kau cari aku x?
: Aku agak berani buat statement mcm ni, sebab aku da selalu sgt kena. Selalu sgt rasa dipergunakan.
: Aku dah tak tahan, so I build this kind of point of view sbb aku rasa I have a right to say what I need to say.
: Sebab semalam-semalam-semalam-semalam-nye kau ckp "I'll be there for you whenever u need me".
: Enough. I've got so many wounds in my heart & lungs. I can't breath due to so many tears come outside. T_T
: I need a break. Period.

P.S : Hebat menangis. Sukati aku lah!


  1. aku ske post entry neh!!!!!!wat lg!!!!same goes ngan ape ku rase psl `kwn`. . tp biarkan ia pergi. . biarkan. . sbb satu hari nnt. . die akan dtg lg. . n mase tuh kita leh ckp. . `hey!!!watch me vodo!`
