Sunday, December 13

I thought you were different from the others, but still you're man creatures.

Yes, you still make me think men are all the same and can be just mean just like you, just like everybody. I used to think it off, but after what you've said, it even make my heart feels, there are no differences anymore.

You ;

: as cheesy as always I used to trust.
: those sweet talks, I won't buy anymore.
: whatever it takes for you to feel sorry about this, I guess you're just wasting of your entire life just for forgiveness and feeling guilty.
: you just don't know what I feel either what I'm thinking of. So be prepared once you loose onto your words.
: you never know what's my perspective towards a guy, especially you.
: what I've become today is not a girl you used to know then.
: and finally, this is so hurtful, you just can't imagine I'm crying over your words. Your only words.

P/S : don't remind me you are still different, because you can never entertain me anymore.

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